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said they love cartoons and give us a total of kisses.
Sailor Moon
 Thursday 2 August 2012 3:00 pm

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!

Not sure if you know about this cartoon but I believe it was aired when I was around 7-10 years old. I have always have a soft spot for any cartoons related to magic. I shared with you with magical kindergartens' girls but now allow me to introduce you to Sailor Moon (if you have not hear about it yet). And of course, this a cartoon about magical girls in their high school age.

It is rather an old cartoon actually. It is first published on 1994. So yup, 20 years have gone by. It has 200 episodes in 5 seasons! I'm going to tell you just a little bit about this cartoon and after that, let feast on the beautiful Sailor Moon illustrations. Believe me! The pictures are awesome!

In brief, the story is about Tsukino Usagi, 14-year old girl in junior high. She's ditzy, whiny, and a crybaby. She often flunks her tests, and she is always scolded by her family. However after a bad day, Usagi is surprised to encounter a black cat that can talk! The cat, Luna, grants Usagi the power to transform into Sailor Moon, a fighter who is to save the world against the monsters and aliens. And yes, she has comrades that all names start with 'Sailor'.

And next, let me tell the story by the pictures :)

Introducing from left; Sailor Uranus, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars and Sailor Neptune

The story has so many characters with magical powers.

Every Sailor is unique and has their own planet.

The main character is Sailor Moon (Usagi) and
she has a boyfriend Tuxedo Kamen (Mamoru).
Actually she is the Moon princess and Mamoru is
the Earth prince.

Sailor Moon's daughter is Sailor Chibi Moon.
She comes from future.

The inner senshi (Guardian Senshi) are Sailor Venus (leader),
Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter.
They are Sailor Moon's closest protectors,
named for the four innermost planets of the solar system.

The outer senshi are Sailor Uranus,
Sailor Saturn, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto.
They are those who defend the solar system from external threats,
take their names from the four planets furthest from the sun.

Together, the inner and outer senshi form the Sailor Scout.

Artemis, Diana and Luna are talking cats
that can transform into humans.

The Sailor Senshi have their own real name and
have their own life if they are not busy protecting the world.

And I love Sailor Moon so much that I have memorize the whole lyrics of the opening song :) Why don't you try to hear it? :D

Till then, see ya :)

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